Mean Stack Developer: Salary, Skills, Job Interview Questions in 2022
If you are preparing to learn Mean Stack Development or
are ready to begin your career as a mean stack developer, this
article is the right place to begin. The article covers all the information one
needs to know before entering the mean stack development. You can collect
details like skills-set, education requirements, pay scale, and future of a
developer in the Mean Stack category.
Thus, start reading the article to clear all your doubts and give
you a more clear & precise picture of Mean Stack Development. You need to
hire a full stack
web developer which can beautifully handle your
What Do You Mean by Mean Stack Development?
Mean Stack Development is a branch of Full-Stack development. With
a combination of four Technologies (Angular.js, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB), Mean Stack is formed.
It is responsible for database handling, server-side handling, and building APIs
for web app
It is a part of Full-stack development but different from it.
How? Let’s see.
Mean Stack is introduced with the increase in digital practices,
and the software development world is shifting toward full-stack development.
It is one of the technologies of full-stack development. Every developer
demands powerful, quick, and fast technology to build web-based applications. Mean Stack is the one who
fulfills the above requirements. It is the favorite of most developers.
Full-stack is not like Mean Stack. It requires no. of technologies
like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Angular.js, SQLite, etc. but Mean Stack
requires only JavaScript. It is responsible for handling server-side and
client-side software. Many points make Mean Stack different from full-stack
Let’s see how Mean Stack works and try to understand this
technology under the umbrella of JavaScript
What is Mean Stack?
Mean Stack is a free and open-source technology & a
JavaScript-based framework used to develop web applications. It is a collection
of fundamental technologies- MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node.js.
These technologies constitute Mean:
M- MongoDB ( It is a database system written in
c++ language.)
E- Express.js ( It is responsible for building web
A- Angular.js ( It is a Javascript framework operated
by Google.)
N- Node js ( It is responsible for
handling server-side)
Mean Stack is the ideal choice for development of hybrid apps.
It delivers a fast and competent method for creating web-based applications.
There are many reasons developers are interested in this open-source Stack:
- Combination
of a common language on server-side and client-side.
- Organized
- Flexible
Mean Stack Developer
A Mean Stack Developer is a programmer of JavaScript-based
applications. It has expertise in the following technologies that constitute
Mean Stack- Mango.DB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node.js. It has in-depth
knowledge of JavaScript because all applications created by Mean stack are
Javascript-based. It manages and works on the front end and the backend.
Pros and cons of Mean Stack Development
These are the following pros of Mean Stack Development:
- Offers
a simple solution to building a strong and well-organized solution.
- It
helps when you need the fast development of an application.
- Full
Stack JavaScript, and it is free.
- It
uses a single uniform language.
- Low
memory footprint/overhead.
- Helps
you in avoiding unnecessary preparations.
- It
helps you in keeping your applications well-organized.
- It
makes the code in the same form.
These are the cons of Mean Stack Development:
- It
is a good choice for small and Mid-size applications, but when it comes to
large size, it is not the right one.
- There
are no exact general JS coding guidelines in Mean Stack Development.
- It
is hard to turn back to the old approach once you have finished the first
site with the help of Mean
Stack technology.
- From
a business point of view, it delivers poor isolation of servers.
- You
may Lose records potentially.
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